4 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health While Dating

Starting a new relationship is exhilarating and nerve-wracking. The thrill of romance, spending time with the person you feel deeply for, is immensely satisfying. On the other hand, the foundation for this relationship is still in its formative stages. As you all are navigating relationship life, you must not forget about yourself in the process.

Prioritizing your mental health during this period is essential. The whirlwind of emotions can become a trap in a budding relationship if you cannot develop healthy ways to manage your thoughts and the relationship. Here are tips to guard your mental well-being while dating,

Manage Your Expectations

Every person you meet is not your life partner. You have to know that going in. The storybook love at first sight thing is RARE! Approach your dating rationally and to a point logically as well. It is easy to daydream and build castles in the air about your new relationship. I have done this too, and this is part of the problem. More often than not, we fall in love with the idea we have fabricated in our minds when that may not be the reality we are living in. Get to know the person first while keeping your options open. Make decisions beyond their perfect smile and the fantasy in your mind. 

Have Fun

Life is hard, if being with this person is easy enjoy it. Embrace the feeling of like/love - the butterflies in your stomach and warm fuzzy feelings. Stare, hold hands, and talk about nothing. When you are happy with someone your brain releases Oxytocin, the love hormone.

Avoid Personalizing Rejection

Rejection is a part of dating and a normal part of living. if you are not ready to accept that now may not be the time to date. You will not be perfect for everyone and everyone will not be perfect for you and I promise that is ok. Also, keep in mind Iā€™m not saying rejection will be easy I am saying while it does suck it serves a purpose. It frees you from what does not belong to you so that there is more space for what is aligned with you to enter your life. Avoid personalizing rejection. Or creating a narrative that the rejection says something about you as a person when it means you were just not compatible. 

Remain Logical

Oxytocin regulates trust levels, empathy, positive communication, and bonding cues. Thus, your biases toward your love interest increase because of this hormone's influence. Oxytocin lasts for about six months before you can become rational about your interest. Avoid making permanent decisions during this period. You may make a mistake when you rush into things. Make sure you are staying grounded in reality. Take your new partner to meet you, friends. Let them interact with your love interest. They are not in love. Therefore, their perception may be more rational. Furthermore, avoid making decisions out of desperation. You have a lifetime to find love. Do not be in such a hurry that you take the scraps when waiting could get you the whole meal.

A few final things to remember while dating:

  1. Remember to think do I like this person instead of focusing on if they like you.

  2. Actions over words because people can and will say anything.

  3. Do not enter the relationship based on potential. Enter the relationship based on the facts of the present.

Make good choices and protect your peace and mental health at all costs.


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