lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter lifestyle, Mental Health La Toya Carter

Things to Consider Before You Start Therapy

Therapy is quickly becoming an “in thing” to do and I absolutely love it. When something hurts you go to the doctor, why not go sit and let your emotions get some professional help as well.  In my opinion, therapy is one of those things you don't really know you need or how useful it can be until you do it (minus any major life traumas). I personally believe everyone should do it at least once in their lifetime. I think there is a misconception that something has to be majorly wrong before you go and that simply is not true. Therapy can be preventative if you let it. As good as it is there are some things you need to consider first (in no particular order).

  1. Do you have the time? Therapy is not an overnight fix. It takes time and work and guess who actually does the work… YOU. I like to remind my clients that my children broke my magic wand so they gotta be ready to work. This is not a situation where you come in one time and now the whole world makes sense. Even when a person is a solution-focused therapist you still need more than one session. So how much time can you commit?

  2. Do you have the financial resources? I say this with love… You never question the mechanic, your hairstylist, and not even the nail technician, give us the same respect! If you do not have insurance can you commit to $100 a week? This is actually cheap; some of my colleagues are charging $150 per session.

  3. Do you have the capacity to unpack? There will be sessions where it is hard. You will leave feeling like the bandaid was ripped off and there is no viable solution, just awareness. Are you in a place in your life where you can do that kind of mental gymnastics?

  4. Are you ready to get emotionally naked? That's therapy. It is baring your truth no matter how ratched, ugly, and uncomfortable so you can gain insights and do the work to heal. Lying to your therapist does no one any good. It is actually a HUGE waste of time. You will think they are no good because you don't see any change and they are only working with what they are given. So are you ready to be honest?

This list is clearly not exhaustive but it is a great starting point of things you need to consider before going to therapy. I hope you go, the healed you I am sure is amazing. Even if you feel like nothing major happened in your life it is still good to go. The insight is invaluable.

For more check out my video below:

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