3 Myths About Depression

depression myths

Depression is such a complex disorder. There are so many different things that can cause it. Some say it’s just a chemical imbalance and while that may be true there is also genetics, trauma, intergenerational coping (or lack thereof), finance factor, medical concerns, and don’t even get me started on grief. There are a plethora of factors and possible causes. 

I was having a conversation with a friend and we were talking about depression and it hit me, there is a lot of misinformation around about depression. I think a lot of that is because of what gets the most visibility. Don't get me wrong I like that mental health is being talked about. I just wish we could get out of our own way and accept that it may not always look like how we think it will look. 

So I decided to share these three myths about depression with you.

In order to be depressed, you have to be crying. There are people living and laughing and slowing feeling trapped inside. Other signs of depression include body aches, irritability, anger outburst, overworking.

Depression is a sign of weakness. I believe it is the exact opposite. It takes a lot of strength and will power to make it through each day feeling hopeless and trapped. It takes courage to show up in a world you don't even feel like is for you, or that you are a part of. Fighting through the sadness and other symptoms and showing up for others is nothing but strength.

You can outwork depression. For the small blues or occasional down days, this may help. However, for clinical depression this way of coping may only increase the depression. The idea that you can keep working and feel better is counterproductive because more often than not a little rest is needed. Did you know overworking is actually a sign of depression, especially in men?

I want to encourage you all to keep talking about depression just make sure you are informed. For more myths visit my youtube video, or watch below.


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Tasha finally got it right: Seek help when you need it!